Despite best efforts to prevent damage, chipped edges are inevitable. Here's how you can fix them in a pinch.
Despite best efforts to prevent damage, chipped edges are an inevitable part of the granite business. However, depending on the nature of the chip and if it’s near a pitched side, there may be a quick and easy fix if you’re in a pinch. This tip can save time, customer frustration, and shipping costs. If chipping is out of your comfort zone, it can be helpful to practice on a spare piece to build up confidence with a chisel.
To get started you’ll need the right tools for the job: any kind of hammer, a straight edge or metal square, suction cups for holding the straight edge (or an extra set of helping hands), and a chipping tool of any length. All the tools needed can be found at any granite supply store, our friends at Miles Supply have everything you need.
Ensure your straight edge is lined up perfectly parallel with the die, close to the edge, with the intent of removing as little stone as possible. Rex stones are cut oversized for this exact purpose so you have a chance to fix it.
Line up the flat back edge of the chipper nice and snug next to the straight edge, angled out to remove stone outward.
Strike the tool with a hammer confidently, but not too hard. Let the chipper do all the work. If the stone doesn’t come off on the first try, line up again and ensure you get a direct square hit. Remove your straight edge and check your work! If the chip is still beyond easy repair, contact us and we are happy to help!
We specialize in the production of high-quality granite memorials and monuments. We offer a wide range of both domestic and international colors and can accommodate any design requirement for our B2B partners, including funeral homes and cemeteries.